Illinois traffic ticket: traffic penalties, the court process. How to Respond to a Illinois Traffic Ticket. Illinois Traffic Ticket Search by Name, Pay Online. Traffic Penalties in Illinois state. illinois traffic ticket search.
Illinois Traffic Ticket
Illinois traffic courts receive the highest number of cases each year. The state has set traffic courts to handle the cases and help drivers receive their judgment. All traffic offenders are issued with a traffic ticket stating the offence, fine and date to appear in court. However, not all violations are taken to court. The offence varies; some only require fines, driving assessment programs or penalties. Traffic fines in Illinois vary according to court. The ticket is limit to 15 days which you should take action by either paying the fine or requesting a court hearing.

Illinois Traffic Violations
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Reckless driving
- Over speeding
- Not having adequate car insurance
- Not carrying the driving licenses.
- Using a suspended driving license.
- Not fastening your seat belt while driving.
- Not stop at a stop sign or red light.
The state also has diving the violations in two categories: moving violations and non-moving violations.
Moving Violations
This offence happens if the vehicle is in motion; the violation is considered severe and may attract hefty fines. Examples of moving violations are:
- Speeding
- Not stopping at a red light or stop sign.
Non-Moving Violations
Non-moving violation is offences which happen when the vehicle is on the move. They are classified as non-moving according to the actions that take place and the law governing them. Examples of non-moving violations:
- Inattentive driving
- Parking at the wrong space.
- Using the phone while driving
- Driving without the seat belt.
The court and Department of licensing DOL treat the two categories differently. Non-moving violations are not reported to the DOL. The law state that some non-moving violations should not be addressed or sent to the DOL or insurance companies.
How to Respond to a Illinois Traffic Ticket
The driver can respond to the ticket using the following ways:
- Pay the ticket
Some drivers prefer to pay and forget the court process, paying a traffic ticket is an admission that you’re guilty of the offence. These come with consequences such as demerit points on your driving record, license suspension or increase on your insurance premiums.
The Illinois state traffic department has three official ways to pay the fine. User can pay through the online platform, by mail or vising the offices in person. Note that not all fines are payable through an online process first gather information before making any payment. Never mail cash to the traffic department use secure methods such as cheque or money order.
- Requesting for a mitigation hearing
For drivers guilty of the traffic violation, the state offers the option of requesting mitigation hearing. These help you reduce the fine, get a monthly plan to pay the fine or do community service. The offender cannot appeal the judge’s final decision in mitigation hearing.
- Pleading not guilty/contest hearing
Drivers pleading not guilty need to request for contest hearing, they should check the county and court from the ticket. Please tick the appropriate check box on the traffic ticket mail it to the proper court and wait for a response on the hearing date. The driver can also hire a qualified attorney to help in the traffic case. Lawyers also help in reducing the fines or dismissing the case. The lawyer will help to ensure the insurance rates are not increased.
Illinois Traffic Ticket Search by Name
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Traffic Penalties
The state traffic violation penalties can vary from fines of $100 for parking violations to a jail term of several years. The prison option mostly occurs if the violation included the death of any person. In other cases, the licenses are suspended or revoked for a certain period. For the county level, the violations are punished by fines while at the state level violations are classified differently. The State level has petty offences, business offences, and misdemeanours/felony offences.
In Illinois state, the cases are either classified as petty or misdemeanour. The state punishes petty offences by fines only. The minor violations are not stopping at a red sign or stop sign. Most of the petty offences the court might order supervision if the driver’s records are good. Or they may be requested to go to traffic school. If the drivers comply with the court orders, the charges may be dismissed by the end of the supervision period.
There are three types of misdemeanours:
- Class A
- Class B
- Class C
Class A
This class is considered as the serious of all offences the misdemeanours include DUI, driving 35mph or more beyond the stated speed limit. Using a suspended driving license, reckless driving and many others. The class (A) misdemeanour attracts a fine of $1,500 and or prison term of one year.
Class B
The violations include offences such as using an expired license, speeding between 26-35mph past the given speed limit. This offence meets a penalty of six months in prison and or fine of $1,500.
Class C
The offence includes intentionally removing or damaging a traffic sign. The laws state the violators should serve thirty days in prison and or pay a fine of $ 1,000
The state has the power to suspend the driver’s license if they commit three or more severe or petty violation within a year. Ensure to take action once you receive the traffic ticket to avoid extra charges or license suspension.