How to Respond to a Nebraska Traffic Violation Ticket. Nebraska Traffic Ticket Lookup, Pay Ticket Online Nebraska. Nebraska Speed Limits 2024
Nebraska Traffic Ticket
Every motorist has their rough days where a ticket attached to their names is produced. Traffic violations are always another lesson learnt. There are different violations in Nebraska which will earn you a ticket. It’s the driver’s responsibility to respond to the ticket in time to avoid extra charges. The State has two types of violations:
- Moving violations
- Nonmoving violations
Moving violations include speeding, reckless driving, leaving the scene of the accident, hit and run and many other. The offence is serious, and in extreme cases, the driver might face a prison sentence. The court and department of licensing handle Nebraska moving violations. Here the court will give a verdict according to the offence. For non-moving violations, the offence is less compare to the moving violation. These violations are punishable by fines. The non-moving violations are not taken to court or DOL but handled by paying the fine.
Speeding traffic ticket of Nebraska
Nebraska speeding ticket is determined by the type of roadway or area where the offence happened. The driver should not go beyond the areas or road set speed limit. These speeds are imposed by the scientific engineering and traffic investigations which are conducted by the Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR). The traffic engineering division helps achieve the best result in road safety.

Nebraska Speed Limits
- 75 mph on rural interstate highways
- 65mph for express and freeways.
- 60mph on the state highways.
- 50mph for the county roads, hard paved surfaces.
- 25mph at the residential districts.
- For all school and work zones, the limits are posted by the area authorities
Nebraska speeding fine differs by the speed limit you happen to break. The State gives penalties as follows:
- 1-5mph over the set speed limit a fine of $10 is imposed.
- Exceeding by 6-10 mph a fine of $25.
- 11-15mph past the speed limit a fine of $75.
- 16-20mph over the limit $125.
- For 21+ mph over the limit $200.
The fine will increase if the offences happen in a school or work zone.
Nebraska State uses the point system to penalize drivers who go against the traffic rules. Every violation has a different point according to severity. Some point may lead to license revocation or jail sentence. The driver will then require a reinstatement to get their license after the revocation period is over. The fines also come with an insurance rate increase if the driver doesn’t contest the ticket.
How to Respond to a Nebraska Traffic Violation Ticket
There are three ways to respond to the ticket; the driver needs to select one and proceed before the due date. The State provides a small duration of 15 days from the day of the violation ticket.
Pay the fine
These methods indicate the driver accepts the charges and is willing to pay the fine. The driver will receive points on their driving records. If the offence is severe, the DOL has the right to suspend the license.
- Pay through the online method: the method is convenient and fasts, however, it takes time to show the traffic ticket. Remember you need to respond before 15 days are over.
- By mail: pay the amount in cheque or money order. Please send it to the county court to complete the fine process.
- In-person
- Using official contacts /phone.
Contest Hearing
Contest hearing is for a driver who pleads not guilty to the offence. The driver should read the ticket carefully and then click the appropriate check box. Send the request to the court by mail or in-person to get a hearing date. You can hire a lawyer or compile evidence to fight the ticket.
Mitigation hearing
The mitigation hearing goes for law violators who are guilty but need some help. The driver can request the court for a monthly plan, reduction of fines or community service.